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Sovereignty and Trust

Securing your data

Data sovereignty is the concept of retaining authority and control over one’s data, allowing individuals or organisations to determine who can access their data and for what purposes. Trust establishes confidence in the truthfulness of shared data.  Data sovereignty and trust play an important role in fostering a conducive environment for data sharing within specific mobility data spaces and in a federation of interoperable mobility and other sectoral data spaces. It allows individuals and organisations to retain authority over their data and have confidence in the controlled usage of the data they share. With many trust mechanisms and frameworks in development, a harmonised and aligned approach is essential. Moreover, given the unique nature of data in the mobility sector, it is necessary to consider specific requirements that might not be prevalent in other sectors, while adhering to broader requirements defined at EU level.  

Mobility specific building blocks: Personal mobility

  • Integration of popular digital wallets: Use standard wallets (Apple, Google, etc.)  for verifiable credentials and digital tickets to prevent users from having to handle these in multiple apps.
  • Solutions for conflict and incident management​: Provide solutions for incident and conflict management scenarios in a standardised and seamless way.
  • Mobile operations of decentralised data sovereignty and trust mechanisms​: Allow mobile solutions to anticipate for non-internet-connected scenarios, e.g. requiring a mobile copy of the central registries to ensure mobile operation.

Mobility specific building blocks: Logistics

  • Delegation of authorisation rights​: Support use cases in which authorisation rights (by means of tokens) can be delegated. This is common in logistics and can be extended to mobility.
  • Neutral, trusted, data sovereignty-guaranteeing instance​: Provide a framework to connect freight forwarding business cooperations, freight marketplaces or shippers’ platforms.
  • Fundamental data set for AI-based trust monitoring​: Establish a fundament of core data for AI-based monitoring and improvement of the reliability and trust in the EMDS and in the AI activities that it enables.
  • Consent management by entitled parties for data and application sharing:Enable entitled parties to define the terms and conditions for data or application sharing for scenarios in which the data or application providers do not possess the formal rights to share the data or applications. 
  • Data sovereignty and trust mechanisms to support event-driven smart contracting for data flow control​: Provide the Identity, Authentication and Authorisation (IAA) mechanisms to support the event-driven FEDeRATED architecture proposed under the DTLF.

Common, domain independent building blocks

  • Access and usage policies and control​: Enable data sovereignty through definition and enforcement of policies.
  • Identity​ management: Manage legal identities (natural persons, organisations or software components) and data space memberships. Embrace decentralised implementation through Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI) and Verifiable Credentials (VC).
  • Align data sovereignty and trust: Align data sovereignty and trust mechanisms across data space interoperability, e.g. with DSSC, SIMPL, EDIB, with information security by design.

Across sectoral data spaces

Support data sovereignty and trust as key capabilities for cross data space interoperability. Rely on multi-level governance with broad alignment on an overarching, cross data space approach, e.g. proposed by DSSC, SIMPL or the EDIB.​ 

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Analysis Report

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